Contribute to Science Bowl

Help Support K-12 STEM Learning In Minnesota!

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MAS seeks event sponsors and individual donors for Science Bowl. There are many ways to contribute. We remain in need of:

Critical funding to support staffing and supplies.

Team registration scholarships.

Prizes for 30 - 40 students on on winning teams and/or giveaways for 300+ students and teachers.

Help with recruiting volunteers with STEM experience.

Colleges or high schools willing to serve as in-person event hosts.

Many thanks to our 2025 Science Bowl Sponsors & Event Hosts:

US Department of Energy, Hamline University, Rosemount Middle School, Verizon Foundation, Adam & Ginger Cantor, Jim & Sandy Wolfe Wood, Matt Thell & Jennifer Hanson.             

Additional support for the 2025 MN Science Bowls provided by these Minnesota Academy of Science Investors:

Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement / Americorps Volunteer Generation Fund, Minnesota Department of Education, Ecolab, Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation, H.B. Fuller, Hardenbergh Foundation, 3M, Danaher Corporation / Beckman Coulter, Beanstalk Foundation, Medtronic, and DiaSorin.



MAS will thank and recognize sponsors who provide funding, including scholarships and/or in-kind donations of items or event space, at the following levels:

$500 — Thanked wherever all Science Bowl sponsors are listed online, in printed event materials, and at the events

$1,000 — Also listed in MAS monthly e-newsletter as a sponsor

$2,500 — Also thanked specially during event announcements and awards

$5,000 — Also featured on the Science Bowl landing page & in social media posts

$7,500 — Also listed as a sponsor on Science Bowl t-shirts

$10,000 — Also listed in Science Bowl media releases as a sponsor and posted on general MAS sponsors page

$15,000 — Custom options available, such as award or event naming rights or special event visibility



  1. Make a credit card donation to MAS:

    Use the DONATE button above or visit our General Donation portal.

  2. SEND A CHECK PAYABLE TO the Minnesota ACademy of Science:

    MN Academy of Science
    Science Bowl Donations
    970 Raymond Avenue, Suite 103
    St. Paul, MN 55114

  3. PROVIDE IN-KIND DONATIONS to be used as prizes sUCH AS:

    Items given/sent to students on winning teams (30-40 total).

    Other prizes such as internships, tours, or tickets appropriate for middle and/or high school students.

    STEM-related items or packaged food for 300+ to be given away at in-person events.

    To discuss in-kind donations or levels of corporate sponsorship, please contact our Executive Director Kris Barry at