Karissa Baker
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [ST. PAUL, MN, April 3, 2023] -- Karissa Baker, a St. Paul Academy and Summit School educator, has won the prestigious Seagate Excellence in Science Mentoring Award at the 86th annual Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair (SSEF). This award recognizes an outstanding science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) teacher who finds creative ways to nurture students’ interest in scientific research and discovery. Teachers are nominated by students, parents, and school staff. Award recipients receive a $1,000, a trophy and a Seagate hard drive. Each teacher’s school or science program also receives $1,000.
An individual nominating Ms. Baker remarked that she “has been instrumental in nurturing our students through their science research experiences. She has built the curriculum of all of her classes around students discovering the information for themselves. For example, in her 9th-grade physics classes, she guides her students through balanced forces by having them build their own mobile that they can hang in the room for the rest of the year. She also provides fun challenges, such as a graph matching competition, that engage students on a new and fun level.”
The 2023 SSEF took place at the St. Paul RiverCentre on March 24 and was hosted by the Minnesota Academy of Science (MAS). At the SSEF Award Ceremony on March 26, Seagate representative Dr. Heidi Olson announced the Seagate award winners, commenting that Seagate’s “involvement in science fairs is an investment in hands-on science education and is intended to inspire students to pursue careers in STEM. We know that participating in events like this can be a valuable stepping stone to a future career in a STEM field.”
In addition to the Excellence in Science Mentoring Award, Seagate sponsors two other SSEF awards. Seagate recognizes excellent scientific research conducted by students competing for the first time with the Seagate Emerging Scientist Award. The Seagate Rising Star Award recognizes two emerging student scientists whose projects demonstrate high degrees of difficulty, thoroughness, complexity, creativity, innovation, and effective communication. Employees at Seagate also served as volunteer judges during the SSEF, reviewing student projects to provide feedback and determine award winners. Full SSEF results are available at mnmas.org.
Seagate is a long-time sponsor and supporter of the SSEF, and is the event’s Premier Sponsor. “Seagate provides critical support for the State Science and Engineering Fair, an event that gives Minnesota students a unique opportunity to engage with STEM practices,” said MAS Executive Director Lara Maupin.
The Minnesota State Science & Engineering Fair is a program of the Minnesota Academy of Science. Seagate Technology remains the event’s Premier Sponsor. Additional support comes from the Minnesota Department of Education, Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement / Americorps Volunteer Generation Fund, Ecolab, the Broadcom Foundation, and the Hardenbergh Foundation.