“This package of bills will create comprehensive systemic change needed to address opportunity and achievement gaps for students while strengthening existing programs and creating new efforts needed to attract, prepare, license and retain an increased percentage of teachers of color and American Indian teachers (TOCAIT) in Minnesota.”
The Minnesota Academy of Science is proud to announce our endorsement of the 2021 Increasing Teachers of Color Act. We encourage you to learn more about the act and to join us in taking action.
Letter of endorsement sent to the House and Senate Education and Higher Education Committees
January 22, 2021
Dear Members of House and Senate Education and Higher Education Committees,
The Minnesota Academy of Science is one of Minnesota’s oldest nonprofits. We are committed to advancing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) by connecting Minnesotans of all backgrounds with resources and opportunities to engage in STEM learning, research, and communication—and to recognize excellence in these areas. To this end, we are writing in support of the 2021 Increasing Teachers of Color Act.
We know that deep inequities exist in K-12 STEM education in Minnesota. These inequities are well documented in sources such as Minnesota Compass (mncompass.org). One important way we can address these inequities is by supporting and encouraging more students of color to become teachers. As a recent Smithsonian Science Education Center report attests, “Diverse teachers serve as role models for students who wish to pursue careers in the STEM fields.”
At the Minnesota Academy of Science, we want every Minnesotan to be able to picture themselves as a scientist and have the tools and support they need to succeed in STEM should they so choose. We know that diversity strengthens our STEM community, our companies, our schools, and our scientific research. We also know that disparities persist within Minnesota classrooms, laboratories, and workplaces when it comes to STEM. We therefore ask for your support on this important legislation - a critical step toward equity in education in our state.
Lara Maupin, Executive Director
Minnesota Academy of Science