IN THIS ISSUE: FORSE Culminates at Bdote Science Fair | Alumni Spotlight: Carolyn Jons | Judges Needed for Science Fair and JSHS | Comedian David Harris will Emcee MAS Trivia Fundraiser | MN STEM News and Events
As the host of several events being held during March and April, 2020, we are planning with the current outbreaks of Coronavirus in mind. We are carefully monitoring the changing situation and relying on the advice of public health experts at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Minnesota Department of Health. In making any determinations about whether our events will be rescheduled or cancelled, MAS will follow the recommendations of the Minnesota Department of Health. Based on these recommendations and the current situation in our state, we currently plan to proceed with our spring events as planned. Check for more information and updates.
- Lara Maupin, Interim Executive Director, Minnesota Academy of Science
Alumni Spotlight: Carolyn Jons
Carolyn is currently a senior at MIT.
Seven-time Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair participant Carolyn Jons racked up an impressive string of awards for her Science Fair projects, including receiving the First Award in Chemistry at the 2014 International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Carolyn, who is majoring in Materials Science and Engineering at MIT, shared how MAS programs influenced her educational pathway.
MAS: How did your experiences in Science Fair, JSHS and Science Bowl help prepare you for coursework and research?
Carolyn: Science Fair certainly ignited my passion for discovery. During the seven years that I participated, I experienced that scientific pursuit could be great fun. Each year I approached a new subject area, and through this process, I learned to think creatively about real world problems, invent practical solutions, be persistent in times of adversity, and communicate effectively to a variety of audiences. These are all skills I continue to use in my undergraduate research and internships today. Science Fair was also one of my first opportunities to carrying out a longer-term research project, and this type of project is more indicative of those found in college and beyond.
MAS: Did you connect with any fellow students or mentors interested in STEM through Science Fair, JSHS or Science Bowl?
Carolyn: During my early participation in Science Fair, key individuals were especially influential through their personal encouragement. By selecting a different project each year, I also sought out different scientists for discussions. I recognize now how connecting with these mentors at an early age was integral to my development as a scientist. Today, I am super grateful for their guidance and inspiration... I also made many great friends through Science Fair and Science Bowl. The people on my Science Bowl team remain some of my best friends from high school, and we get together almost every break to catch up. I am still in touch with many of the friends I made through ISEF and JSHS too. A lot of my friends at MIT either participated in ISEF and JSHS in the past or are also friends with people I met through those competitions.
To learn more about her research at MIT, read the full interview with Carolyn.
Interestingly, Carolyn's experiences making peer connections through MAS programs echo what we hear from many of our participants. Our programs frequently provide a space for students interested in STEM to learn from each other. In fact, 89% of our 2019 Science Fair participants and 95% of our 2019 JSHS participants reported that the programs increased their interpersonal skills. In Science Bowl, 72% of our 2019 participants told they had made a new friend through the program.
FORSE Students Showcase Projects at Bdote Learning Center Science Fair
Our science fair mentoring program, FORSE, culminated for the school year this February at the Bdote Learning Center Science Fair. FORSE students wowed their peers and teachers with the projects they developed in the 2019-2020 school year. Congratulations to all FORSE students and mentors for their scientific achievements this year!
Maddie won first place for her project about composing natural fabrics. Ayasha's second place project focused on Inko dye performance on different fabrics. Doug and Destino's third place project compared reactions of different mints in carbonated beverages.
Comedian David Harris will Emcee MAS March 27 Trivia Night
Join MAS and comedian David Harris at our March 27 Trivia Night Fundraiser
David Harris, a nationally touring, regionally Emmy Award Winning comedian, magician, and actor has signed on to emcee our March 27 Trivia Fundraiser! Harris won 2017's Minnesota's Funniest Person Contest. Harris' personal and person-driven approach to the topics of work, family, relationships, and anxiety make his act relatable to virtually anyone. Harris is fun, creative, interactive, and most of all - hilarious.
WHAT: Trivia Night to support the MN State Science & Engineering Fair
WHEN: Friday, March 27, 6-10 pm (Trivia: 7-9 pm)Follows the 2020 MN State Science & Engineering Fair held at Benilde-St. Margaret's School.
WHERE: Minneapolis Marriott West, 9938 Wayzata Blvd., MinneapolisGet tickets and learn more.
More Details:Corporate Team Tables (for eight): $2,500 Individual Tickets: $75
Format: Each table will be a team of 8 or less. Teams will write answer questions on distributed forms. Tickets for "free spaces" and tickets for "phone a STEM teacher" will be available at the door. Prizes will be awarded for most points, best table/team name, most creative answers, and surprise categories.
Science Fair Judges Learn Too!
We all know that students gain tremendous amounts of knowledge through the process of participating in the Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair (MSSEF). But you may be surprised that judges tell us they learn a great deal during MSSEF too! Judges say that one reason they participate in MSSEF is because it gives them first-hand knowledge of the interests and passions of today's middle and high school students. In fact, 97% of judges reported that serving as a judge made them more aware of the STEM activities in which the students participate.
We are currently seeking judges and volunteers for the 2020 MSSEF and North Central Regional Junior Science & Humanities Symposium (JSHS). The MSSEF and JSHS open doors for our students to new scientific thinking, educational pathways, connections and opportunities. We need your help to make it happen.
We are recruiting:
350 volunteer judges with credentials in STEM fields who can offer student projects and papers insights based on experienced perspectives grounded in their industry.
120 general volunteers passionate about STEM education and creative problem-solving who can offer skills ranging from organization, data entry, registration, photography, chaperoning, time-keeping and other administrative and general tasks.
Judging dates are March 26 for JSHS and March 27 for MSSEF at Benilde - St. Margaret's School, St. Louis Park.
Registration for MSSEF Judges and Volunteers.
Registration for JSHS Judges and Volunteers.
Minnesota STEM News
Wildlife Biology - Blueberries comprise significant portion of wolves' summer diet in Voyageurs National Park.
Horticulture - UMN-Twin Cities professor breeds new potato strains to combat climate change induced potato shortages.
Art - Cloquet artist explores the intersection of technology and nature.
Renewable Energy - University of St. Thomas opens Center for Microgrid Research.
Chemistry - UMN-Morris researcher works to develop a material to remove nitrates from water sources.
Kinesiology - Team of UMN-Twin Cities researchers find that secondhand smoke may predispose children to increased aorta stiffness.
Archaeology - St. Croix Valley ceramicists examine prehistoric pottery at the Science Museum.
Ecosystem Ecology - UMN-Twin Cities limnologist leads report on the cultural impacts of ice loss on inland lakes and rivers.
Public Health - Macalester student studies barriers to polio eradication in Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Minnesota STEM Events
Winter Tree Identification, March 14, St. Peter
MN Technical Symposium (MINNTS), March 19, Ecolab Campus in Eagan
March Equinox Phenology Walk , March 20, Jay Cooke State Park
Acara Challenge Presentations, March 23 and 24, Minneapolis
State Science Fair Open House Showcase, March 26, St. Louis Park
State Science Fair Public Viewing, March 27, St. Louis Park
MAS STEM Trivia Night, March 27, Minneapolis
Otter's Birthday at the Great Lakes Aquarium, March 28, Duluth
Midwest Undergraduate Data Analytics Competition, March 28-29, Mankato
Communicating Health in a Climate-Changed World, March 31, Minneapolis
Wolf Exhibit, Through March 31, Alexandria
Institute for Engineering in Medicine Innovation Week, April 6-10, Minneapolis
Clearing the Air: The Media and Environmental Issues, April 13, Minneapolis
Public Health Solutions for Climate Change, April 17, Minneapolis
STEM Together 2020, April 17, Bloomington
Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics Spring Conference, April 24 and 25, Duluth
Winchell Undergraduate Research Symposium and MAS Annual Meeting, April 25, St. Bonifacius
Boulder Lake ELC Birding Big Day, May 9, Duluth
Gathering Partners of Natural Resources Conference, May 15-17, Two Harbors
Art From the Edge of the Boreal Forest, Through June 21, St. Paul