IN THIS ISSUE: 2020 Science Bowl Results | Judges Needed for Science Fair and JSHS | 2020 Science Fair Keynote Speaker Announced | Seagate's Environmental Commitments | MAS at Science Fusion | MAS Trivia Fundraiser | FORSE Wraps Up Third Year | MN STEM News and Events
Wayzata Team 1 will be returning to DC in 2020
Wayzata Teams Advance to National Middle and High School Science Bowls
High School Science Bowl
Wayzata High School's Science Bowl team will be returning to Washington, DC to defend their 2019 national title. Wayzata's Team 1 competed against teams from 21 Minnesota high schools at Macalester College on January 25. "My favorite part of the competition was seeing every member of every Wayzata team contribute" said Wayzata coach Amanda Laden.
Wayzata's winning team consists of George Cai, Aayush Gupta, Emily Liu, Benjamin Weiner and Kevin Yang. Gupta and Weiner were members of the 2019 National Championship team. "Science Bowl, for me, is very close to a sport," said Gupta, "There's a large amount of strategy and decisions to make under pressure."
Congratulations to Minnetonka High School, the second place winners, and Maple Grove High School, Civility Award winners. Thanks to all 195 students from 35 teams who participated this year! READ MORE.
Wayzata Central Team 1 celebrates their great day
Middle School Science Bowl
Wayzata Central Middle School's Science Bowl team will compete at the national level for a second year in a row. Wayzata Central's Team 1 did not lose a single round in the competition against teams from 12 Minnesota middle schools at the University of St. Thomas on February 8. Wayzata Central Team 1 members include Ishaan Goyal, Peter Jaynes, Richard Lin, Rushil Murikinati and Samantha Singh.
"Working with the kids for months to prepare, you see a change in them as they grow into being a cohesive team," said Wayzata Central coach Michelle Allen. "They develop their leadership qualities, communication skills, and teamwork. They grow in their interest in science and math, which fuels their desire to learn more."
Barton Open School of Minneapolis came in second place and Parnessus Prep School took home the Civility Award. Thanks to all 95 students from 18 teams who participated! READ MORE.
Search #MNScienceBowl2020 on facebook, twitter or instagram for more pictures and information from the events.
Huge thanks to the dozens of volunteers who generously donated their time to both events, to our 2020 major Science Bowl sponsors, Ecolab and General Mills, and to our host institutions Macalester College and the University of St. Thomas.
Show Up for STEM: Judge at Science Fair or JSHS
We are seeking judges and volunteers for the 2020 Minnesota State Science & Engineering Fair (MSSEF) and North Central Regional Junior Science & Humanities Symposium (JSHS). The MSSEF and JSHS open doors for our students to new scientific thinking, educational pathways, connections and opportunities. We need your help to make it happen.
We are currently recruiting:
350 volunteer judges with credentials in STEM fields who can offer student projects and papers insights based on experienced perspectives grounded in their industry.
120 general volunteers passionate about STEM education and creative problem-solving who can offer skills ranging from organization, data entry, registration, photography, chaperoning, time-keeping and other administrative and general tasks.
Judges dates are March 26 for JSHS and March 27 for MSSEF at Benilde - St. Margaret's School, St. Louis Park.
Registration for MSSEF Judges and Volunteers.
Registration for JSHS Judges and Volunteers.
2020 Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair Keynote Speaker Announced
Five hundred Minnesota students will hear Sthitie Bom, Engineering Director at Seagate Technologies, give the keynote speech at this year's State Science and Engineering Fair.
As a Director of Factory Controls, MES and Analytics, and Reporting for Seagate's wafer factories, Sthitie is responsible for systems strategy and execution. She currently leads a team that:
● Integrated the first machine-learning-based virtual metrology into the factory
● Deployed the first deep-learning-based defect detection system into Seagate wafer factories globally
● Establishes governance criteria for factory controls
● Is creating human/computer interfaces to facilitate, manage and evolve human-in-the-loop learning of systems
Seagate Commits to Science-Based Emissions Reduction Target
Seagate Technology, a major sponsor of our STEM programming, has joined over 700 other companies in pledging to reduce emissions in hopes of limiting the increase in global average temperature to below 2°C. Based on a 2017 baseline, Seagate has targeted a 20 percent reduction in emissions by 2025. To achieve this goal, the company is working to:
Find replacements for chemicals with high global warming potential;
Implement new certifications at manufacturing sites;
Create a standard for equipment energy specifications for new process equipment; and
Work with suppliers to report carbon footprints
Seagate is also advocating using supercomputers to combat climate change by building huge models of global systems. Learn more about Seagate's efforts.
MAS Educates at Science Fusion
MAS volunteers spent several Saturdays over the past month at the Science Museum of Minnesota during their annual Science Fusion celebrations. Through activities such as DNA Kinex kits and data security demonstrations, MAS board members and colleagues raised awareness of both STEM career opportunities and the diverse community of STEM professionals in Minnesota.
Thanks to all who volunteered or visited the MAS booth!
Support STEM education in Minnesota by attending our Trivia Night Fundraiser!
WHAT: Trivia Night to support the MN State Science & Engineering Fair
WHEN: Friday, March 27, 6-10 pm (Trivia: 7-9 pm)Follows the 2020 MN State Science & Engineering Fair held at Benilde-St. Margaret's School.
WHERE: Minneapolis Marriott West, 9938 Wayzata Blvd., MinneapolisGet tickets and learn more.
More Details: Corporate Team Tables (for eight): $2,500, Individual Tickets: $75, Science Fair Judges & MS/HS STEM Teachers: FREE (at Phone-a-Friend Tables)
Format: Each table will be a team of 8 or less. Teams will write answer questions on distributed forms. Tickets for "free spaces" and tickets for "phone a STEM teacher" will be available at the door. Prizes will be awarded for most points, best table/team name, most creative answers, and surprise categories.
MAS Mentoring Program Wraps Up Third Year at Bdote Learning Center
Our science fair mentoring program, FORSE, finished another great year at Bdote Learning Center in Minneapolis. Students and mentors worked together at every stage of the scientific process. "After weeks of experiment planning and conducting, students have great scientific results to share and science fair posters are well underway!" reports Assistant Program Director Ally Milenkovic.
The Bdote Science Fair is February 20, stay posted to hear what projects advance to the Regional Science Fair!
Social Science - Minnesota exhibit about the science of bias to tour the country.
Chemistry - UMN-Twin Cities receives $20 million grant to develop the next generation of sustainable plastics.
Computer Science - Teams of high school girls in Rochester develop apps in Technovation competition.
Infectious Disease - UMN-Twin Cities researchers target Chronic Wasting Disease.
Wildlife Biology - Minnesota's bat population in decline.
Microbiology - UMN-Twin Cities professor researches cutting off antibioticresistant superbug's ability to relay molecular signals.
Ecology - Minnesota State Forest Nursery in need of black spruce and jack pine cones.
Computer Science - UMN-Twin Cities researchers team with the National Corn Growers Association to bring predictive power to conservation agriculture.