2025 State Science & Engineering Fair Details

The Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair will take place on Friday, March 28, 2025 at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium, St. Paul RiverCentre in St. Paul, located 175 Kellogg Blvd West, St Paul, MN 55102.

Check back to this page as the event approaches for more important details. We look forward to seeing you in March 2025!

Important Dates

  • 3/17/2025 Registration Editing  Deadline- All changes to registration information including links to video presentations must be finalized by 11:00pm

  • 3/24/2025 Registration Payment Deadline- All registration fees must be paid by 3/18/2024. Fees are $100 for individual projects, $180 for 2-person teams or $240 for 3-person teams.

  • 3/28/2025 In Person State Science Fair - Science Fair will take place at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium from 8:00 am- 6:30 pm. All participants are required to be present in person to compete

  • 3/28/2025 Keynote & Special Awards Reception- A select number of special awards  will be presented following a Keynote by Liz Lee Heinecke. This will take place at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium and is part of the State Science Fair. Students are required to attend. Teachers and families are welcome to join us for the keynote and special awards!

  • 3/30/2025 Awards Announcement & Ceremony (virtual) - Awards ceremony will be held virtually on Sunday 3/24  at 2:00 pm. A link will be posted here, and sent to participants, closer to the date.

Science Fair Event Registration

All participants will need to be registered in the zFairs platform. This will be done one of two ways:

  • Promoted from regional fair - If you are promoted from a regional fair that uses zfairs you will receive a welcome email saying that you have been promoted. You need to perform your first time login asap and answer the questions on the “additional questions” tab. You can log in HERE (use same login info you used with your regional fair), and you will be prompted to add some information about yourself.  This account already has your video and all your paperwork you submitted to regionals. Do not create a new account in zfairs for State Sci Fair.

  • If your region did not use zFairs you need to create a zFairs account -  You can get registered in zFairs HERE. Go to Create Account → Student (see image below) and answer all the questions. Once you submit your registration, you will receive a confirmation email that you are registered

Registration Tip: When registering you will be required to submit your "Entry Video Url" and "Digital Display Board”. You do not have to have these completed until the final editing deadline- Monday 3/17/25. These two fields are required at the time of registration, so you will need to put in placeholders to complete registration. In "video" you can put any text (such as a dash or a period). For digital display board any jpeg or pdf file will work. You can download the following blank PDF and upload to your digital display board as a placeholder. Blank PDF to download as placeholder. Be sure to update these two entries with your final presentation materials before the final editing deadline.

Registration Fees

All registration fees must be paid by 3/24/25. Fees are $100 for individual projects, $180 for 2-person teams or $240 for 3-person teams. Click button below to pay with a credit card  Or mail a check (with the students names who registration it is covering) to Minnesota Academy of Science, 970 Raymond Ave Suite 103, Saint Paul, MN 55114 and notify kevinsands@mnmas.org that the check has been sent.

Pay Student Registration Fees Here


Request refunds or cancellations by email to the MAS Operations Coordinator (info below). The deadline for refunds is the last day of registration. Make your requests based on extenuating circumstances in writing by email to the SSEF Director before the program begins.


Scholarships to cover the State Science & Engineering Fair registration fee are available. You must contact your regional director and inquire about this option.

Contact Operations Coordinator Kevin Sands (kevinsands@mnmas.org) with questions about registration payment or fee waivers.

Liz Lee Heinecke
2025 Keynote Speaker for the Minnesota State Science & Engineering Fair

With an undergraduate degree in art and a master’s degree in bacteriology, Liz draws on the arts and sciences to invent creative hands-on experiments and tell stories. Her books, along with her website KitchenPantryScientist.com and frequent television appearances, have made her a beloved author and science communicator. Today, she continues to write about kids' science while authoring books for general audiences about women forgotten by history. In addition to making science videos, she contributes regularly to a number of TV lifestyle programs, including WCCO (CBS) and Twin Cities Live (ABC). Liz lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, plays the banjo and sings in a garage band.

Project Presentation Guidelines

Participants will submit a project presentation video and other materials during registration in zFairs. These online submissions will be available to judges along with in-person presentation materials to score for each project. Some of the sponsored awards are only judged virtually and rely on your virtual presentation to determine winners.

Please click on the guidelines link below to access a full summary of the presentation guidelines for 2025.

2025 SSEF Presentation Guidelines

Required online registration materials:

  • Video- the video should summarize all aspects of your project. Video length may not exceed a maximum of twelve minutes.

  • Abstract- must NOT exceed 250 words.

  • Poster presentation/Quad Chart- the quad chart will be a single document file, divided into four sections, providing a high-level summary of the project.

Required in-person presentation materials:

For any questions regarding presentation guidelines you may contact Liz Buhmann at Lizbuhmann@mnmas.org.

State Science and Engineering Fair Presentation Board

All participants are required to print their quad chart pages and display them on a poster board with the following maximum size:

  • Maximum size: 24” x 36” x 3/16” thick

  • Smaller sizes are acceptable, but the board cannot exceed these dimensions.

Poster board stands will be provided at the event.

Helpful Tip:
The center section of a standard trifold board measures 24” x 36”, which meets the size requirement. You can purchase a trifold board and cut off the wings to adjust the size if needed.

If you need assistance sourcing a poster board of the required size, please contact us at ssefprogmanager@mnmas.org by 3/17/25 to request a board, and one will be provided for you at the event.

SSEF Adult Chaperone Registration Form

Please complete the form below if you are an adult (teacher, parent, advisor, etc.) accompanying one or multiple students to the the State Science and Engineering Fair on March 28th at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium

Adult Registration Form

State Science Fair Schedule

This schedule may be subject to slight changes. Please refer back as we get closer to event to confirm official times.

Friday March 28th

State Science Fair at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium

  • 8:00 am- 10:00 am- Student Check-in and Set-up Students will be marked as present and receive any handout materials. As students are checking in they should be setting up their boards in the project presentation hall.

  • 8:00 am- 10:00 am- Display and Safety As students are checking in and getting set up they must go through display and safety. Students must be marked cleared in order to participate in judging.

  • 10:00 am- 11:00 am- Display and Safety Final Checks Time for students to correct any issues with display and safety and get approved for judging.

  • 10:30 am - 10:45 am am- Kick off & Morning Announcements Announcements will include any important information you will need to know for the day

  • 11:00 am- 3:30 pm- Judging 

    •  11:00 am - 1:00 pm ODD number projects in hall being judged

    • 1:30 pm-3:30 pm EVEN number projects in hall being judged 

  • 11:00 am- 4:00 pm- Enrichment Activities  During the time when your project is not being judged you will have time to explore the exhibitor booths, grab lunch at the concession cart or the Headwaters Cafe (both located inside the RiverCentre) , and /or visit the Science Museum of Minnesota (located across the street from the RiverCentre)

  • 3:30 pm-4:30 pm Public Viewing All are welcome in the project hall to view exhibits at this time.

  • 4:30 pm-5:00 pm Student Networking and Prizes

  • 5:00 pm-6:30 pm Keynote & Special Awards Reception Keynote will be followed by Special Awards Reception. Medtronic awards, 3M awards, ISEF finalists and many others will be announced. Food and beverages will be served. All students are required to attend.

  • 6:30 pm Project Teardown & Closing Announcements Students will remove all project materials from project hall and any wrap up announcements will be given.

Sunday, March 30

2:00 pm | Virtual Awards Ceremony  Awards ceremony will be held, virtually on Sunday  3/30  at 2:00 pm. Grand and Special Awards will be presented. The link will be posted here and sent to you in an email.

State Science Fair Deadlines by Region:

All participants must be registered OR, if they were promoted in zFairs because their region used zFairs, must have performed their first time login and answer the additional questions by 5pm of their regional registration deadline.

  • Northern Region - 3/7/2025

  • Northeast Region - 2/15/2025

  • Western Region - 2/28/2025

  • Southern Region - 3/7/2025

  • Rochester Region - 3/9/2025

  • Twin Cities Region - 3/9/2025

Planning What to Wear & What to Bring to the State Science Fair

What to Wear

Student dress should be neat and clean, but there is no “right” outfit. We ask that students come ready to present and put their best foot forward, but that does not mean you must wear a suit or dress. Consider what you might wear if you were to attend a job interview. Below are some ideas of what appropriate Science Fair attire may look like.

  • Tops: Button-downs, collared shirts, or blouses are a great choices, either short-sleeved or long-sleeved. You can add a jacket or blazer over your top of choice for added dressiness. Avoid cotton t-shirts or tops with large-printed graphics or slogans.

  • Bottoms: Pants like slacks or dress pants are great choices. Flowey skirts and pencil skirts are acceptable as well.

  • Comfortable shoes: Make sure that you wear comfortable shoes, as you will be on your feet for the majority of the day.

What to Bring

We are so glad you will be joining us for the State Science Fair! Below is a list of items that you should plan to bring with you to have the best experience possible.

  • Water bottle

  • Small snack for yourself

  • In-person presentation materials:

    • Presentation board- for in-person judging you will print your quad chart pages to display on a foam poster board.

    • Paperwork to display- Abstract, Form 1C, and Form 7(s) (as applies)

    • Presentation binder (optional)

Accessibility and SSEF

The Minnesota Academy of Science is committed to removing barriers and limitations in all that we do. MAS embraces the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in our commitment to ensuring that all members of our community can participate as fully as possible in our events, programs and communications. We are continually working to improve our program experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards.

If you have accessibility needs, questions or requests, please contact us:

Email: lizbuhmann@mnmas.org

Office Phone: 612-917-3994- Press 6 for Liz Buhmann

Please contact Program Manager Liz Buhmann at lizbuhmann@mnmas.org with any questions.